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Registration Number:
Physical Description:
Statement of Significance:
Condition and Completeness
Conservation Treatment
Length: 200mm
Breadth: 70mm
Thickness: 11.62mm
Weight: 225.6gms
Medium: German Silver
Type: Neck piece
Design/Technique: Embossing and Engraving
The center piece of the choker is embossed with floral motifs, while the ends of the collar have been decorated with circular carvings. Attached to the center piece are several tear drop-shaped dangles.
A traditional Kashmiri choker necklace with a carved medallion as a center piece.
The neckpiece is in a fair condition with oxidation traces all over. One drop shaped dangle is missing.
Dry brushing to clean loose dirt. The object was cleaned with distilled water using soft cotton, covered in gauze.
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