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Haar (modified)

Registration Number:



Physical Description:

Statement of Significance:

Condition and Completeness

Conservation Treatment



Length: 350mm
Breadth: 60mm
Thickness: 9.5mm

Medium: German Silver
Type: Neck piece

The pendants are filled with floral motifs.

Different items of jewelry have been strung together to create this necklace. These include a kidney shaped pendant, a betel leaf shaped pendant and braid tassels.

Two hair/ braid tassels (Vaankh Andd) are attached to the string of the necklace. Another braid tassel suspends from the betel leaf shaped pendant.

The neckpiece has depressions on one of the pennants. The necklace has traces of dirt and colour at many places. The chain and lock is also broken.

Dry brushing to clean loose dirt. The object was cleaned with distilled water using soft cotton, covered in gauze.

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